St Andrew's Parish Church Inverurie

St Andrew's Parish Church Inverurie



Sunday 9th of March 2025

Inverurie St. Andrew’s Parish Church

1. The Flower Calendar for 2025 is in the vestibule, if you would like to donate flowers, please add your details. If you know anyone who has been ill, bereaved or needs a ‘pick-me-up’ please tell one of the flower team so flowers can be delivered after the service.

2. There will be a Kirk Session meeting this Wednesday, 12 March, at 7pm on the Chapel of St. Apollinaris.

3. The next ‘Cuppa and Chat’ will be in the Chapel of St. Apollinaris on Friday 21 March, from 10am to 12noon. Come along for a friendly blether over a free cup of tea/coffee and biscuit. All welcome.

4. Fancy trying something different? The Tech Team are looking for volunteers to join the rota to operate the microphones, etc. at services, full training will be given. This really isn’t as difficult as you may think! The team would welcome you to just watch what they do so you can make an informed decision.

5. The Bible Study Group will meet this Thursday in the Chapel of St. Apollinaris, when we will begin a new study on Daniel. All welcome.

6. There will be a series of four Lenten Talks in the Roman Catholic Church Hall on a practical Guide to individual prayer, over four consecutive Thursdays, beginning 13 March at 6:30pm. All welcome. PTO

7. On Palm Sunday, 13 April, at 7pm, in St. Andrew’s Church, there will be a talk on ‘Christ in the Passover’ by a member of the group Jews for Jesus, exploring Passover, the Last Supper and Holy Communion. There will be no charge, but any voluntary donations will be gratefully received. Please see the poster for more details. All welcome.

8. There will be an Easter Variety Concert, including the celebration of the 80th Anniversary of V.E. Day on Saturday 19 April, 1:00 – 3:00pm, with music by ‘Country Edition’. Tickets are £10 (including savouries, fine pieces, tea and coffee) are selling fast but still available from Molly Conn (01467 620612) or the Church Office.

9. Inverurie West Church are holding a Quiz Night in the Acorn Centre on Friday 21 March at 7pm for teams of 4 (maximum). Tickets at £5 per person are available from the Acorn Centre/West Church. Nibbles provided - BYOB – raffle.

10. Next Sunday the readings will be Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 and Luke 13:31-35.